How to deal with liars.

 How to deal with liars

Liars want to take advantage and make lose. How do I know?  I know it and you know it to.  For example, I met a guy whose name is Mike.  I won't give his last name or address and phone number.  I should not do so.   Why is he a huge liar?  

Here are the facts:  one day, it was sunny day, the birds were crapping all over my car, the wife had given me a thousand chores" good for you", but work was meager as it has been since the dawn of my life. I thought to put an add in Craig's list.  " grass cutting services, irrigation, weed wack" It was a frugal way to advertise my horticultural tissue culture expertise. As you know, Craig was free back when it was free, but now the site cost five dollars for a whole month.  YOU may think is cheap, but for sole bread winner of three girls, it is a huge undertaking, let me freely tell you.  If you disagree, you may be a liar.  You can reach me at &*()&*()&* if you want a debate on that little topic of you being a fabricator of lies.  I forgot about that add.  

One sunny afternoon when the birds were shitting all over my truck, and when I was eating a hot dog because I was hungry" like a wolf" and doves assaulted me and wanted to steal my food, the phone rang.  I almost never answer phone since all the callers are telemarketers who want to steal my wallet with more lies.  I " hello, is it me, you looking for" like the famous song by somebody I have no clue right now. Pardon me, but I forgot, and it is true. I must be honest that I have never lie in my entire life. IF you don't believe, then you call me at )(*&()*&(*)&()*&(*&, and be glad to tell you the same truth.

On the other side, a voice came through like gas out of the sphincter.  Yes, it  was not the voice of Celine Dion in one of her many super duper songs.  No, It was an accent voice. I won't tell you where it was actually from since that might offend immoral folks out there who say they are moral, but actions speak louder than words. Once I heard his voice, yes it was a male, and he was a young male with malicious pride.  How do I know?  you asked righteous person who believes in all kind of " I can do what I want" well, it is called the " intuition".  It never lies, at least to me.  You?  I don't know, if you live in California.  I have seen some actions that are consider love and truth, and it is what it is, since any discord will turn into the hatred that you are about if you are the type" let everyone do as they please".

so, I heard the voice. " can you estimate two homes for grass cutting and other stuff, money is no problem" I said, well, where did you see my digits?  He said, " Craig's list"    he said later, I will text you my address.  He did later.  His address at 1234 shit road in the city of fuck moma.  The other house was at 1234 screw you and your family street in the city of I will sodomized you.   I thought those names were a true picture of who the guy was.  

I never visited those homes since I knew that prick was about as good as the content in the toilet after a bowel movement.   He smell like rotten flesh through the phone line.

I gave him a cheap price after I used the genius google satellite. I saw his homes and gave a price just like that. 

the accented man said" without looking" ?  I said yes,  Gas is higher than your ego, I was thinking.  I did not tell the prick that of course.  I said, well, I can go if you are truly interested.  he said " sure"in his accented writing.  I went there first time to his house in " fuck you road up the ass"  I texted him, " do you want me to work"  He said yes in his accented writing.  I saw two Latin lovers there already who were there for a serious estimate of five dollars for a whole month of service for a ten thousand square feet house.  The accented prick did not have grass. He only had interlocking pavers, but that pavers needed blowing like the blowing his " you know what" should be doing.  I gave him a sweet deal.  He had dug the irrigation heads a foot below surface, and he had the nerve to ask why irrigation was not working. It is like saying why is my dick swore after a kick in that area?  what a mother son of a )*^*(&^*(&^*(&^*(&6.  I exposed  them.  The fuck later asked" what did you make hole on the ground"  what a son of a )(*&()*&()*&()*&()*&()*&.  Let me tell you candid.  He sent text that were suicide making. I want to shoot myself with a cannon. I wanted to jump from the empire state building if it is there.  I even told" you are depressing".  He said" I appreciate you" .  Your mother must of suck big cigarettes where you were born.  I was feeling like that content in the toilet you dump after you eat. I thought for a while.  I decided to asked him.

:"  Hi,   I was wondering if you pay me $85 dollars for the work that I did that day.  I had weed wack a ten inch Saint Augustine Grass with a weed wacker. I had to dig a foot to reach the female treated union and insert a big riser with a new head. The one he had was as bad as his wicked soul.  It began to water nice like and clean like my conscious.  The accented guy said" are you coming back?"  Like coming inside his ugly you know what?  I said" sure, if you want me too" like a nice pussy cat crawling to its owner for food.   The guy, if you want to think he is a guy, paid it. 

I went back to his brick house of black and white.  He told me to raise his foot deep spray heads.  He did not asked how much. He said do it, and he said" money is no issue".  So I did. It took almost four hours.   I also heard in his accented text that his awful palms and lilies in the back where he should drown, were not getting water. Oh, that is too bad!  Maybe he should not get water either or food for a year along with his lkjflksajflkasjfl;kasjflk;jsa;flk.   I went in the back.  His timer was not plug. The son of a -234-093-49-349 had turned off for six moth.  I adjusted the existing spray.

well, I had forgotten, for a while of that son of whore.  Soon, I came back. He was there. He was five foot guy with no hair and over weight, at least sixty pounds.      He asked" are cutting with no lawnmower"  I said" it is better( mother fucker) I thought".  He said" I got you and appreciate you" I thought now , oh yea" suck my you know what" bitch.  I thought. I never would say such a thing. I am  a nice guy. I help old ladies crossed the street.  I told the midget" I remember you said that you need to plant those plants in the father"s house. "  I had already trimmed his swarthy father's house in the city of Fuck your mother" . It was hard like a hard on in the morning.  

He said " tell me how much? "  I said 85. " sure", but later, how about just taking them there?  I said thirty"  He said it was too much" I thought" bring that bitch to suck it right out of the sphinter'  you mother fucker. I was thinking and still thinking.  what an asshole. Maybe, he never had a dick in his ass, well, he needs a knife in it.

He said, " it is the principle"  I thought, this mother fucker is not a principle guy but a wholesale mother fucker.

I had seen his wife before, and let me tell you, she is like a dump on the portable bathrooms.  Your dick will be fall id like a water less plant. 

He said, " how much I owned you"  I will tell you  later( mother fucker) I thought of course. 

later, I told him $259.  The mother son of a whore from you know where started acting as if he was Jesus in the cross. "
 i am tired of robbing people"  I thought, your wife, needs to rob my dick as you watch, mother fucker.  he was a tiny guy.    

He was a mother fucker. I saw his mother. He or she was a disgusting looking woman. IT is true. I am not lying. I never do.  

Okay, so he wrote the most notable lies ever. I did not respond like he did. Why? I wanted money.  The money that I worked in the 100 plus degree weather. He was given a quote. He answer with the same content as it is  as you empty your bowel.  I did not reciprocate like he or she or whomever he is.  

I said"  I worked hard. I can not work for free.  You did not know all that I did .  you benefited it. 

The asshole, went on spree of verbal abuse. I almost suicide about his words.

The asshole paid half of what it should be paid. He  used profanity to end it all. I did not respond. I figured what would be the point, and who knows, who this mother fucker is?  I was a cordial fellow with a nice set of shirts and two pair of tennis Nike. I was proud of dealing in a succinct fashion. He was a huge sewer with a broken orifice spew out the sewage content.


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