the life and times of Alberto Einstein Perez.

 Alberto is a gardener from southern California by way of Bogota, Colombia.  He is no Einstein but he likes to think so and tells all who listen"  I am Einstein"  why?  some of the fellows who know him were curious.  Well, he said" I can assemble a valve for the irrigation system. " who did you learn it?"  " i learned all alone, like standing all alone, like the song.  I saw it assembled so I did it the way it was assemble and that is true"  fellows who were there were busy getting free coffee or not so free at McDonald.  they get the refill and senior discount.  some of those Latin guys talk a lot as if they were inside the white house and had all the inside information.  they had nothing and here gardener Alberto had some experiences he had assemble out there in the world of lawnmower, blowers, and weedkillers.  

he said that " no science to the handling of a garden:  you see all the weeds growing, you can stop the photosynthesis process by weed wack them fast.  if you go once a week to a house, and the owner is not a stingy son of a whore, you can do wonders.  I have places where no weeds are ever seen, or the hedges overgrown.  all the bushes under six feet are all trim perfect in a square type or pyramid type. Unless, some  highfalutin well verse horticulture person declares clearly that they decided a natural look to a shrub.  I don't argued and do as demanded or else my hands will never touch their hedges.  I have fifty cheap clients who pay a little more than the minimum wage.  I have tools, you know, and they are not cheap.  

some Japaneses sold me a lawnmower for over thousand dollars. it was a Japanese mower, so therefore the price, but I did not like it. I could off purchase, if i thought of it, a american type for one fourth of the price, lighter, and who knows that it would not last as long.  when I started this fine endeavor,  I had some savings that evaporated when I bought that unnecessary mower.   Now, I am wiser, or not.  maybe the times change, you know, the super highway net, that allows you to see a lot of things. you can investigate and find better deals.  my pastor, said, be wary of the net, not true.  He was talking about other Christian doctrines are twisted.  It is interesting he said that since I personally think his is twisted too.

but, what are we to do?  we can not fight all the time, but we need to get along with plants and neighbor, right?  I think so any ways, me, being Alberto Einstein Perez.  I think Einstein got along with people well,especially, the Japanese country.  He helped developed the BIG bomb.  that bomb did manage that country better at the end of the war.  I heard those Japanese at that time were nothing to be messing with.  they were serious about their ideals and were willing to die for it.  Good for them, but not for whomever is their enemy.  USA thought  best deal with them in such nice manner and used the generous brain of some men or woman and managed the Japanese. 

I will cut some lawns and do some hedges and make ends meet. I am not at all a multimillionaire yet.  Someday maybe if i develop a plan or ask for more money for others and later solved their problems.  Problem solver makes money, but it is best to get the money first, then later solve the problem.  In that way, you can grow your account and later invest in tangible assets that grow better than weeds. 


  1. what a fabulous story. never ever been written before something like that.


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